제8회 세계한국학대회 세부일정

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

대회 세부 일정

2016년 10월 5일(수) 장소: 펜실베니아대학교 Annenberg Center

17:00-18:00 등록
18:00-18:30 개회식
18:30-20:30 환영만찬

2016년 10월 6일(목) 장소: 펜실베니아대학교 Claudia Cohen Hall

08:30-09:00 등록 / Schneidman Lobby
09:00-10:00 기조강연 / Room G17
10:00-10:30 휴식 / Schneidman Lobby
10:30-12:00 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 1)
12:00-13:00 오찬 / Terrace Room
13:00-14:30 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 2)
14:30-15:00 휴식 / Schneidman Lobby
15:00-16:30 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 3)
17:30-18:00 정리 및 만찬장 이동 / * 장소: Benjamin Franklin Ballroom, Sheraton University City Hotel
18:00-20:00 만찬

2016년 10월 7일(금) 장소: 펜실베니아대학교 Claudia Cohen Hall

08:30-09:00 등록 / Schneidman Lobby
09:00-10:30 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 4)
10:30-11:00 휴식 / Schneidman Lobby
11:00-12:30 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 5)
12:30-13:30 오찬 / Terrace Room
13:30-15:00 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 6)
15:00-15:30 휴식 / Schneidman Lobby
15:30-17:00 분과별 발표 및 토론(Session 7)
17:00-17:30 폐회식 및 환송만찬장 이동 / *장소: Chinese Rotunda, Penn Museum
17:30-18:30 폐회식
18:30-20:30 환송만찬

Schedule Detail

October 5, 2016 (Wed) Venue: Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania

17:00-18:00 Registration
18:00-18:30 Opening Ceremony
18:30-20:30 Welcome Banquet

October 6, 2016 (Thu) Venue: Claudia Cohen Hall, University of Pennsylvania

08:30-09:00 Registration / Schneidman Lobby
09:00-10:00 Keynote Speech / Room G17
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break / Schneidman Lobby
10:30-12:00 Presentation & Discussion (Session 1)
12:00-13:00 Luncheon / Terrace Room
13:00-14:30 Presentation & Discussion (Session 2)
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break / Schneidman Lobby
15:00-16:30 Presentation & Discussion (Session 3)
17:30-18:00 Move to Banquet Place / * Venue: Benjamin Franklin Ballroom, Sheraton University City Hotel
18:00-20:00 Banquet

October 7, 2016 (Fri) Venue: Claudia Cohen Hall, University of Pennsylvania

08:30-09:00 Registration / Schneidman Lobby
09:00-10:30 Presentation & Discussion (Session 4)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break / Schneidman Lobby
11:00-12:30 Presentation & Discussion (Session 5)
12:30-13:30 Luncheon / Terrace Room
13:30-15:00 Presentation & Discussion (Session 6)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break / Schneidman Lobby
15:30-17:00 Presentation & Discussion (Session 7)
17:00-17:30 Move to Closing Ceremony Venue / * Venue: Chinese Rotunda, Penn Museum 17:30-18:30 Culture Performance & Closing Ceremony
18:30-20:30 Farewell Banquet