Eduardo T. Gonzalez

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Name in Latin Alphabet: EDUARDO T. GONZALEZ
Nationality: Philippines
Affiliation: Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines

강연자 소개


  • PhD in Public Policy, University of Pennsylvania, 1990
  • MA in Public Policy, University of Pennsylvania, 1987
  • Master in Urban & Regional Planning, University of the Philippines, 1982
  • BS Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines, 1971


  • Policy research/development
  • Public/corporate governance
  • Institutional analysis
  • Organizational assessment
  • Strategic planning
  • Knowledge management/Quality & productivity assessment
  • Public administration
  • Urban & regional planning


  • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Seminar
  • Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization
  • Dallas, Texas, USA, November 7-11, 2005
  • Study Mission to the UK on the Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization
  • Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK, November 8-12, 2004
  • Seminar on Public Sector Undertakings
  • Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization
  • Vientiane, Lao PDR, October 18-22, 2004
  • Workshop on Corporate Governance Index
  • Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization
  • Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2-4, 2003
  • Ethics, Law, Management, Politics
  • Sponsor: Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice & Governance, Griffith University Brisbane, Australia, April 27-28, 2000
  • Seminar on the Management of Interdependence: "Institutional Capacity for Development: Challenges for the XXI Century"
  • Sponsor: Centre for Applied Studies on International Negotiations
  • Geneva, Switzerland, November 3-12,1999
  • Workshop on Strategies and Instruments in Regional Planning
  • Sponsor: Deutsche Stiftung fur Internationale Entwicklung
  • Villa Borsig, Reiherwerder, Berlin, Germany, March 11- April 5, 1996


  • Philippines
  • United States


  • June 2006-present: Professor, Asian Center, University of the Philippines

The Asian Center is the University of the Philippines' only unit with a regional area of specialization. It offers graduate level multidisciplinary academic programs on Asian studies (including Philippine studies), and its faculty conduct research on a broad range of political, economic, social and cultural issues affecting Asia and the Pacific.

Functions: Graduate-level teaching (handle courses in policy research, governance and institutions, innovative processes in development, urban development in Asia); coordinated research and publications (2006-2009); sat on University Council Committee on National Policies and Programs (2009-Jan 2011); coordinate tri-college PhD Philippine Studies Program (2010-present); participated in curriculum revisions and expansion of the unit’s extension services.

  • June 2013-April 2015: Dean, Asian Center, University of the Philippines

Functions: Responsible for coordinating the assessment and development of academic programs within the Asian Center; preparing and revising, as necessary, academic program plans; overseeing all personnel matters involving academic and non-academic employees, including: recruiting, appointment, re-appointment, termination and dismissal; faculty evaluation, tenure, promotion and merit and the preparation and approval of faculty workload plans; communicating effectively with various constituencies within and outside the University; articulating University policy and procedures to members of the Asian Center; insuring that School/College policies and practices are consistent with those of the University; articulating the budgetary needs of the Asian Center and overseeing the allocation and expenditure of resources; coordinating the use of facilities assigned to the Asian Center; working with committees to encourage grant applications by faculty members and to prepare proposals for outside funding of special projects; and additional responsibilities as assigned by the University Chancellor.

  • 2015-present: Member, Editorial Board, 2010-2014: Senior Editor, Asian Politics and Policy

Asian Politics & Policy (APP) is a peer-reviewed international English journal devoted to the study of contemporary Asia. Sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization, a related organization of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and the International Studies Association (ISA), the journal is published quarterly by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Asian Politics & Policy is dedicated to publishing quality articles on issues related to the domestic and international affairs of Asia, with a particular interest in its northeast and southeast regions. The objective of the journal is to inform readers of political dynamics and policy innovations in Asia, the growing trend of economic and political integration in East Asia, and the changing relations among Asian countries and between Asia and the West.

  • September 1998-May 2006: President, Development Academy of the Philippines

The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) is a government owned and controlled corporation mandated to: 1) generate pioneering, value-adding, synergistic ideas, concepts, principles, techniques and technologies addressing development problems of local, national and international significance; 2) capacitating individuals and development stakeholder organizations in government, the private sector, civil society, academe, and international organizations to perform their respective roles and mandates in development more efficiently and effectively; and 3) promote partnerships and facilitate the integration of policies, plans, programs, and systems towards a holistic perspective, through the conduct of training, education, policy/action-oriented researches, consulting/technical assistance, and publications in good governance and productivity improvement.

Functions: As Chief Executive Officer: was in charge of total management of the organization; facilitated business outside of the organization and coordinated external initiatives at a high level while guiding employees and other executive officers towards central objectives; taught graduate level public policy courses in DAP’s Graduate School of Public Management.

Note: 1976 to 1998: was Fellow of DAP; occupied various positions, including Senior Policy Staff, Office of the Executive Vice President; Director of Publications; and Director for Policy Research.

  • September 1998-May 2006: Alternate Director for the Philippines, Asian Productivity Organization

The Asian Productivity Organization is a regional non-profit intergovernmental organization. Its mission is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of Asia and the Pacific through enhancing productivity. As a think tank, the APO conducts research on emerging needs of member countries for determining appropriate assistance to them; as a catalyst, the APO promotes collaboration in productivity-related activities; as a regional adviser, the APO surveys the economic and development policies and performance of each member country and assists in formulating strategic changes for enhanced productivity and competitiveness; as an institution builder, the APO strengthens the capability of the national productivity organizations (NPOs) and other institutions to provide productivity promotion, training, and consultancy services to the public and private sectors; as a clearinghouse for productivity information, the APO facilitates the dissemination and exchange of information on productivity among its members.

Functions: Represented the Philippines in APO governance structures (along with Director); liaised with the APO Secretariat to implement APO projects in the Philippines; exchanged experiences with other member countries on quality assurance and productivity concerns; acted as principal investigator in APO corporate governance projects.

  • May 1999-2002: Executive Director, Presidential Task Force on the 20/20 Initiative

The Presidential Task Force on the 20/20 Initiative was established on 6 May 1999 by virtue of Executive Order No. 99. The Task Force acted as the policy advisory body for the President of the Philippines and facilitator of coordinated programs and resource mobilization efforts for the 20/20 initiative. The composition included various government agencies.

Functions: Coordinated the formulation and implementation of the Philippine program on the 20/20 initiative; advised the President on how the Philippines could accelerate the mobilization of adequate financial resources from domestic and external sources to meet basic human development needs. The initiative called for the restructuring of government budgets and ODA in favor of basic social services.

  • 2002-2006: Research Fellow, Philippine Center for Policy Studies

The Philippine Center for Policy Studies (PCPS), now defunct, specialized in research, training, and the dissemination of information on Philippine political economy. Consisting of committed scholars, with strong representation from economists, PCPS sought to contribute to the design of alternative and progressive socio-economic development programs that might be espoused by the marginalized sectors of Philippine society. It also sought to link non-government organizations and peoples' organizations with policymakers.

Functions: Conducted research on labor institutions; helped formulate (as part of collegial undertaking) the PCPS program; assisted in organizing forums and workshops with broad representations from civil society, labor, and government.

  • Academic Year 1998-1999: Professorial Lecturer, Ateneo School of Government

ASG is a professional school for leadership and public service in governance. The School creates an environment that fosters the development of new ideas and approaches, and makes possible a learning process that bridges the gap between classroom wisdom and real-world policy decision-making and governance.

Function: Handled graduate class in basic economics and political economy.

  • Various years (1991, 1992, 1995, 1998): Professorial Lecturer, College of Public Administration (now NCPAG), University of the Philippines

NCPAG performs instruction, research, and extension service in the field of public policy and administration. It promotes the study and practice of public administration, executive leadership, and policy and administrative research; serves as a social critic as well as a source of policy advice and technical assistance in government and nongovernmental agencies.

Function: Handled graduate classes in policy research, quantitative research methods, public enterprise development, and basic statistics for public administration.

  • 1989-1990: Research Associate, American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. It won the Nobel peace prize in 1947. AFSC’s advocacy programs foster understanding and reconciliation, promote economic development and food security, educate the public on issues such as nuclear disarmament, and people taking charge of their own destinies.

Functions: Assisted the Research Director in conducting research on peace and development; organized workshops on the benefits and costs of the conversion of US military bases in the Philippines.


● 2013 ● “The Scaling-Up Process and Health MDGs in the Philippines” in Amita Singh, Eduardo T. Gonzalez, Stanley Bruce Thomson (eds.), Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific. Springer.

● 2013 ● “Career Bureaucracy in the Philippines: From Authoritarian Construction to Democratic Deconstruction” in Philippine Political Science Journal, December 2013 issue.

● 2011 ● Getting Public Ethics Right in the Philippines, in Handbook of Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau. Francis & Taylor Group.

● 2010 ● “Policy Reforms and Institutional Weaknesses: Closing the Gap” in Institutions and Long-Term Growth in the Philippines. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Action for Economic Reform.

● 2010 (co-author) ● Mainstreaming Human Security in the Philippines: Options and Prospects for Non-State Actors in Light of the ‘ASEAN Way’ in Austrian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol 3(2), 211-240.

● 2010 ● “Does International Migration Induce Human Capital Investment and Knowledge Transfer? Evidence from the Philippines” in Sharif As-Saber, et. al (eds), Governance and Human Capital: The 21st Century Agenda, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers

● March 2008 ● “Developing Rural Institutions That Strengthen the Voice of the Rural Poor” in Nurul Islam (ed), Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Asia, International Food Policy Research Institute

● Fall 2007 ● “Historical Origins of the Present Crisis in the Philippines: The Consequences of a Late Institutional Start”, The Journal of Comparative Asian Development, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall 2007), pp. 363-408

● 2007 ● “Policy Transfer in the Philippines: Will It Pass the Localization Test?” Journal of Administration & Governance, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007.

● 2007 ● Political Will is the Key to Social Protection ● Philippines National Report, Social Watch Global Report

● 2007 (editor) ● Best Practices in Asian Corporate Governance, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization

● 2006 ● “Managing Diversity in the Philippines: Is Government Working Hard to Provide Services in Equal Ways?” In Raza Ahmad (ed.), The Role of Public Administration in Building A Harmonious Society. Manila: ADB

● 2005 ● “Developing a Child Well-Being Index” in Eduardo Gonzalez and Josefina Natividad (eds), The State of Filipino Children: Providing for Those Who Have Too Little. Pasig City: DAP.

● 2005 (co-author) ● Decentralized Capacity Building. Pasig City: Development Academy of the Philippines

● 2004 (editor) ● Impact of Corporate Governance on Productivity: Asian Experience. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.

● 2004 ● “Global and National Cultures” in Oscar V. Campomanes and Ma. Antoinette G. Virtucio, Culture and Governance. DAP.

● 2004 (co-author) ● “Anti-Corruption Initiatives in the Philippines: Breakthroughs, Limits and Challenges” in Vinay Bhargava et al., Challenging Corruption in Asia. Washington DC: World Bank.

● 2003 ● “Does Governance Matter in Southeast Asia?” in Chang Pao-min, et al., Administrative Reform in Asia. Macao Polytechnic Institute.

● 2003 (co-author) ● Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options. Makati City: Philippine Institute for Development Studies

● 2002 (principal author) ● Managing Urbanization Under A Decentralized Governance Framework. Makati City: Philippine Institute for Development Studies (2003 Outstanding Monograph Award, National Academy of Science and Technology)

● 2002 ● “The Crisis of Governance in Asia: the Long Road Ahead for the Philippines” in Charles Sampford, et al. (eds), Asia Pacific Governance: From Crisis to Reform Aldershot, England: Ashgate. This also appeared in Eduardo Gonzalez (ed), Reconsidering the East Asian Model: What’s Ahead for the Philippines? Pasig City: DAP & Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 1999.

● 2002 (co-author) ● “Social Protection in the Philippines,” in Erfried Adam, et al. (eds), Social Protection in Southeast & East Asia. Singapore: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

● 2002 ● “Financing Basic Social Services: The Other 20 Percent” in The 20/20 Initiative in the Philippines Pasig City: Development Academy of the Philippines

● 2000 ● "Measuring Public Sector Productivity & Quality: The Use of Data Envelopment Analysis" in Magdalena Mendoza (ed), Measuring Good Governance in the Philippines. Pasig City: DAP.

● 2000 ● “Is Globalization A Threat to the Nationalist Imagination in the Philippines? Asian Studies, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1.

● 1999 ● Towards Better Government: Developing Indicators of Good Governance for Local Government (co-author). Manila: NEDA-UNDP.


● 1-3 April 2015 ● Academy of Korean Studies Global Forum ● Siem Reap, Cambodia ● Presented paper, “Korea Studies in the Philippines: Creating the Momentum for A New Beginning”.

● 26 - 27 March 2015 ● The Second Policy Forum on Leadership and Management Development in Asian Countries ● National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan

● 29 September - 1 October 2014 ● Workshop on Leadership and Organizational Management in the Public Sector ● National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan

● 23–25 September 2014 ● 6th Korean Studies Association of Southeast Asia (KoSASA) Biennial Conference ● University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ● Presented paper at the Deans’ Forum, “The Outlook for Korean Studies Education in the Philippines: Smooth Sailing or Sisyphean Effort?

● 25–27 June 2014 ● 1st KF-KRI International Symposium for Comparative Public Policy Research in Southeast Asia ● Kandawgyi Palace Hotel Yangon, Myanmar ● Presented paper, “Climate Change Governance in the Philippines: Breakthroughs and Challenges

● 8-10 December 2013 ● Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG) 10th Anniversary International Conference ● Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India ● Key speaker: Plenary session on Disability Deficit Of Disaster Policies

● 21–22 November 2013 ● Asian Leadership Research Project: Policy Forum on Leadership and Management Development in Asian Countries ● National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan

● 2-5 July 2013 ● 7th Euroseas Conference ● School of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal ● Presented paper, “Is Asymmetric Autonomy the Right Answer for Southern Philippines? Lessons from the Peace Accords from Aceh’s GAM and Mindanao’s MNLF”

● 11-12 April 2013 ● PPSA Annual International Conference ● Mariano Marcos University, Batac City, Ilocos Norte ● Presented paper, “Philippine Technocracy and Political, Economic and Socio-Cultural Realities during the Martial Law Period (1972-86): Focus on the Bureaucracy”

● 8-12 July 2012 ● XXII World Congress of Political Science ● Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain ● Presented paper, “Shifting Dynamics in the WTO: Is There A Window of Opportunity for the Philippines as a Global South Player?”

● 12-14 April 2012 ● PPSA International Conference ● Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City ● Presented paper, “The Peace Negotiations in Southern Philippines: Institutions and Foreign Policy - An Analytic Narrative”

● 11-13 December 2010 ● Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance International Conference ● Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum, Kerala, India ● Presented paper, “The Scaling-Up Process and Health MDGs in the Philippines”

● 28-29 May 2010 ● 5th Viennese Conference on Southeast Asian Studies ● University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria ● Presented paper, “Mainstreaming Human Security in the Philippines: Options and Prospects for Non-State Actors in Light of the ASEAN Way”

● 11-14 December 2009 ● Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance International Conference ● Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia ● Presented paper, “Does International Migration Induce Human Capital Formation and Knowledge Transfer? Evidence from the Philippines”

● 19-20 March 2009 ● International Conference on Philippines and Japan in East Asia and the World: Interests, Identity and Roles ● Japan Foundation-UP Asian Center, Dusit Thani, Manila ● Presented paper, “Understanding Philippine Foreign Policy-making: An Institutional Approach”

● 16-17 October 2008 ● 6th East Asia Forum (for ASEAN + 3) ● Member, Philippine delegation ● Luang Prabang, Laos

● 11 April 2008 ● LSE Asia Forum 2008: The Politics of Knowledge ● Singapore

● 17-19 October 2007 ● International Conference on Poverty: Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People ● Sponsor: International Food Policy Research Institute ● Beijing, China

● 9-10 August 2007 ● Agricultural and Rural Development for Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Asia: In Pursuit of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth ● Sponsor: International Food Policy Research Institute ● Asian Development Bank, Manila ● Presented paper, “What Strategies Can Be Used to Develop Rural Institutions that Strengthen the Voice of the Rural Poor?”

● 4-6 December 2006 ● Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance Annual Conference ● University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

● 14-16 February 2006 ● National Productivity Organization Heads Meeting, Asian Productivity Organization ● Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

● 5-7 December 2005 ● Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance Annual Conference ● China National School of Administration, Beijing, China ● Presented paper, “Managing Diversity in the Philippines: Is Government Working Hard Enough to Provide Services in Equal Ways?”

● 20-24 August 2005 ● Fourth International Convention of Asia Scholars ● Shanghai, China

● 6-9 July 2004 ● Symposium on Impact of Corporate Governance on Productivity, Seoul, Korea ● Chief Facilitator and Resource Person

● 8-10June 2004 ● 46th Session of the Asian Productivity Organization Governing Body ● Yogyakarta, Indonesia ● Head Philippine Delegate

● 10-11 November 2003 ● Asian Development Conference 2003: Development and Decentralization in Asia ● Sponsor: City of Kitakyushu ● Kitakyushu, Japan ● Presented paper, “Managing Urban Decentralization in the Philippines”

● 13-15 October 2003 ● Innovation and Change in Regulation and Competition ● Sponsor: Institute for Devt Policy and Management, Univ. of Manchester ● Manila, Philippines ● Presented paper, “Regulating Campaign Finance in the Philippines”

● 9-11 September 2003 ● 7th International Conference: Institutions and Change ● Sponsor: International Society for New Institutional Economics ● Budapest, Hungary

● 28 May – 1 June 2003 ● Global Forum III ● Ministry of Justice, Seoul, South Korea ● Presented paper, “Breaking the Corruption Cycle in Campaign Finance in the Philippines: Limits and Challenges”

● 10-12 December 2002 ● 2nd World Conference on Green Productivity ● Manila, Philippines ● Presented paper, “A Sustainable Future for Asia: Considerations for Green Productivity Practitioners”

● 29-30 November 2002 ● International Workshop on the Training System for Government Officials ● KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, South Korea ● Presented paper, “Training for Capacity Building in the Philippines: Changing States, Changing Contexts”

● 8-9 November 2002 ● International Conference on Reform in Public Administration and Social Services in Asia ● Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau, China ● Presented paper, “Does Good Governance Matter in Southeast Asia?”

● 27-29 September 2002 ● 6th Annual Conference: Institutions and Economic Reform ● Sponsor: International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) ● Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

● 12 September 2002 ● 7th Productivity and Quality Forum ● Sponsor: Vietnam Productivity Council ● Hanoi, Vietnam ● Presented paper, “The Crisis of Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia”

● 10-11 December 2001 ● ASEAN Scholars Roundtable on Democratic Transitions in Southeast Asia ● Singapore Institute for International Affairs, Singapore

● 10-12 October 2001 ● Conference on Poverty, Growth and the Role of Institutions ● Asian Development Bank, Manila

● 5-12 September 2001 ● International Conference on Philippine Studies ● Sponsors: Euroseas/University of Alcala ● London, England & Alcala, Spain

● 18-22 June 2001 ● International Workshop on E-Commerce ● Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization ● Honolulu, Hawaii

● June 2001 ● Videoconference on Corruption in Southeast Asia ● Sponsor: Global Distance Learning Network ● Manila, Philippines ● Presented Philippine paper: “Anti-Corruption Initiatives in the Philippines: Limits and Challenges”

● 11-14 June 2001; 5-7 June 2000 ● Asian Development Forum 2 & 3 ● Sponsors: World Bank, ADB Institute ● Bangkok, Thailand; Singapore

● 23-27 October 2001 ● 29th International Conference on Social Welfare ● International Council on Social Welfare, Cape Town, South Africa

● 27-28 April 2000 ● Asia Pacific Governance 2000: Ethics, Law, Management, Politics ● Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice & Governance, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia ● Presented paper, "The Governance Crisis in Asia: The Long Road Ahead for the Philippines"

● 15-23 April 2000 ● International Consultation on Social Development ● Sponsor: Amity Foundation ● Nanjing, People's Republic of China

● 13-17 March 2000 ● Top Management Forum: Management Renovation through Networking in Small and Medium Enterprises ● Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization ● Kyoto, Japan

● 3-12 November 1999 ● Seminar on the Management of Interdependence: "Institutional Capacity for Development: Challenges for the XXI Century" ● Centre for Applied Studies on International Negotiations, Geneva, Switzerland

● 5-7 July 1999 ● Symposium on Strategic Alliance for Organizational Excellence ● Sponsor: Asian Productivity Organization ● Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

● 31 May – 4 June 1999 ● World Conference on Governance ● Sponsor: Civil Service Commission ● EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Manila

● 25-29 November 1998 ● First International Conference on Philippine Studies ● Sponsor: Associazione Italia-Filippine ● Reggio di Calabria, Italy ● Presented paper, “Is Globalization A Threat to the Nationalist Imagination in the Philippines?”

● 6-8 May 1998 ● International Seminar on Internal Migration ● Sponsor: UNDP/Population Council ● Hanoi, Vietnam

● 18-19 February 1998 ● Conference on Economic Restructuring in SE Asia ● Sponsor: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ● Bali Padma Hotel, Bali, Indonesia ● Reactor, “Structural Change and Trade Unionism in Southeast Asia”

● 27-29 April 1997 ● Third European Conference on Philippine Studies ● Sponsor: Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique/IIAS ● Mascotte Hotel, Aix-en-Provence, France ● Presented paper, “Equity and Exclusion: The Impact of Liberalization on Philippine Labor”

● 20-23 October 1996 ● International Conference on Governance Innovations: Building a Government-Citizen-Business Partnership ● Sponsors: Institute on Governance (Canada)/EDI ● EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Manila

● 6 June 1996 ● Peace Research Undergraduate Seminar ● International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan ● Delivered lecture, “Equity, Exclusion and Liberalization in the Philippines”

● 29-31 January 1996 ● First International Conference on Decentralization ● EDSA Plaza Hotel, Manila

● 4-6 April 1995 ● Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, California ● Presented paper, “Do Income Differentials Influence the Flow of Migrant Workers from the Philippines?”

● 21-24 September 1994 ● 6th International Research Conference on Housing ● Beijing, People’s Republic of China ● Presented paper, “Supplying Shelter Services for the Urban Poor in the Philippines: Government Initiatives in Squatter Relocation”

● April 1991 ● Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, DC, USA ● Presented paper, “Health, Education and Family Planning in the Philippines: Governmental Initiatives and Household Choice”


● Achievement Award for Government Service, UP Alumni Engineers, 2001 ● Outstanding Monograph Award, National Academy of Science & Technology, 2003 ● UP Diliman Centennial Faculty Grant, 2008-2009 ● International Publication Award, University of the Philippines, various years, 2008-2013 ● Senior Fellow, Development Academy of the Philippines, since 2010 ● Honorary Fellow, Asian Productivity Organization, since 2006 ● Individual Award for Administrative Reforms, Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes and Governance, Delhi, India, 2013 ● UP Diliman Centennial Professorial Chair, 2013-2014; 2014-2015


● Member, Board of Judges, Philippine Quality Award, 2014 ● Member, National Selection Committee, Local Government Leadership Award, Philippine Senate, 2003 ● Member, National Board of Judges, Gawad Galing-Pook, 2003, 2005 ● Member, Board of Judges, Philippine Quality Award, 2008 ● Member, Board of Trustees, Mary Johnston Hospital, 2009-2013


● Editor, Philippine Collegian, University of the Philippines, 1971 ● Associate Editor, Engineering Logscript, UP College of Engineering, 1969


● Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society ● Individual Member, Network of Asia & Pacific Schools &Institutes of Public Administration & Governance ● Member, International Political Science Association ● Member, Philippine Political Science Association ● Member, Wharton-Penn Club of the Philippines ● Honorary Fellow, Asian Productivity Organization ● Member, International Society of New Institutional Economics (until 2005) ● Member, Philippine Quality and Productivity Movement ● Member, UP Alumni Engineers


Middle Power Diplomacy: South Korea's Initiative in ASEAN and the Philippines

강연자 목록

구분 성명
1 Inditian Latifa
2 Mohammed Ali Berawi
3 Phan Thi Thu Hien
4 Tran Thuy Anh
5 Eduardo T. Gonzalez
6 Norma Mansor
7 Jakkrit Sangkhamanee
8 Neak Chandarith
9 Ni Lar Myint Htoo