Panel 14

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 3 10월 6일(목), 15:00-16:30 (Oct. 6. Thu. 15:00-16:30)
장소 Venue Room 337
사회자 Moderator 이석 Seok Lee (University of Pennsylvania)
발표 분야 Disciplines 역사 6(근현대)
발표자 Speaker 최혜은
Hye Eun Choi
University of Wisconsin-Madison Kisaeng as Music Professionals in Colonial Korea Abstract
Seok Lee
University of Pennsylvania Colonial Korea’s First Participation in the Olympic Games (1932) Abstract
Han Sang Kim
Rice University AlphaGo’s Predecessors in South Korea: The Discourse on Automation Since the Late 1940s Abstract
Zhou Xiaolei
Beijing Foreign Studies University
식민지인끼리 마주 대하기: 1920-1931년 조선 지식인의 만주 기행문에 나타난 '중국(인) 인식'
When colonized peoples met: Chosun intellectuals' travel writings about Manchuria and Chinese in the 1920-1931
발표사진 Photograph Panel14.jpg