Panel 25

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 5 10월 7일(금), 11:00-12:30 (Oct. 7. Fri. 11:00-12:30)
장소 Venue Room 203
사회자 Moderator 김정원 Jungwon Kim (University of California, Riverside)
발표 분야 Disciplines 문화, 예술, 영화 2
발표자 Speaker David C. Oh Ramapo College of New Jersey Black fans-K-pop idols: Black YouTubers' reaction videos & the crafting of cosmopolitan identities online in a racially marginalizing offline world Abstract
Jungwon Kim
University of California, Riverside Producing, Sharing, and Playing: Economic Subculture in Korean Female K-pop Fandom Abstract
Cody Black Duke University Sounds of a Nostalgized Future: Experiences of Home, Proximity, and Desire Among Expat K-Pop Fans in South Korea Abstract
Daniela de Souza Mazur Monteiro,
Alessandra Vinco Aguiar Calixto Madureira
Fluminense Federal University Fans, Hallyu and broadcast TV: the case of the k-drama “Happy Ending” pioneering in Brazil Abstract
발표사진 Photograph Panel25.jpg