University of Calgary

Cefia (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2016년 12월 5일 (월) 19:35 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

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Provided Programs&Courses


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : East Asian Studies (BA); Coop Program (BA)
    1. Korea-related Courses : Issues in East Asia


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : East Asian Language Studies (BA); Coop Program (BA)
    1. Korea-related Courses : East Asia 300 and East Asia 500 - examine East Asian civilizations from ancient times to the modern period, including the socio-cultural forces that were shaped by and that contributed to the religious, historical, economic, literary, artistic, and political developments of this region.


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : East Asian Studies (MA)


  1. Program (Korea-related degree offered) : Arts and Science Honours Academy (ASHA) is a six-course interdisciplinary program with a second language and travel component, Collaborative Degree Program

Designated Center

  • Korean Studies Center : Centre for International Students and Studies Abroad
  • Main Organization :
  • Date Center founded :
  • Korean Studies Center address :
  • Center website :
  • Korea-related Journal :