VIII Latin American Korean Studies Congress

Ksgrant wiki (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 11월 20일 (월) 15:59 판

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2017 Latin American Korean Studies Congress.jpg 2017 Latin American Korean Studies Congress(1).jpg 2017 Latin American Korean Studies Congress(2).jpg
학회명(Title) VIII Latin American Korean Studies Congress
일시(Date) 2017년 8월 24일(목) ~ 8월 25일(금) [August 24 ~ August 25, 2017]
장소(Venue) 브라질 상파울루대학교 (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
목적(Objectives) To deepen the critical mass and the network of experts in Korean studies in Latin America;

To disseminate the contributions of Latin America and highlight its specificity in the worldwide flow of Korean studies;
To contribute to improving mutual understanding between Korea and Latin America, strengthening common interests and efforts to meet their challenges.

주최(Host) University of São Paulo (FEA and FFCLH)